Seizanji Temple is the representative of the Koyasan Shingon Buddhist Temple in Australia. It serves to provide instruction in Shingon Buddhism based on traditional esoteric practices handed down for over a thousand years.
The following introduction to Shingon Buddhism is from
Buddhism born in India, before long, crossed back and forth Central Asia, handing down their idea to China and the like (Hokuden Buddhism). After that, in the 6th century, was imported to Japan. Again, Buddhism, by way of India and Ceylon, was imported in the 11th century from Burma (present day Myanmar) and Thailand (Nanden Buddhism).
In this way, Buddhism is spread widely all over the world, but the Shingon sect, begun by Kobo Daishi Kukai, within an esoteric type of Buddhism called “Mikkyou” was developed in the 8th century, the Golden Age in India, and developed thereafter.
The Shingon sect of Buddhism follows the doctrine of esoteric Shingon teachings compiled by Kobo Daishi (Kukai) in the Heian period. “Shingon” refers to the truth revealed by Buddhism. These teachings tell us that words and existence are inseparable, and that the true essence of Buddhism cannot be explained in human language. Instead, the words used in scripture embody the deep meaning and teachings found in phenomena around the world; they are signposts to true reality of all things. Kobo Daishi tells us that it is these esoteric teachings that are truth, and that esoteric Buddhism is the path to understanding them. By contrast, exoteric teachings are concerned with discerning meaning from the surface of things in the world. Exoteric teachings include the Mahayana teachings found in Hosso, Sanron, and Shomon and Engaku practices.
A few differences can be pointed out between esoteric “Mikkyou” Buddhism and exoteric “Kengyo,” but the very basic distinction is the method of practicing the knowledge of the meaning of a hidden secret. In Shingon, the Sanmitsukaji (Three secret healings) and the Sanmitsuyuga (three secret yuga) are spoken of, but it means the practice of meditation to focus on one point of the spirit (Sanmaji). As for its characteristics, the secret workings of the Buddha, body, mouth and thoughts and the workings of the Buddha, body, mouth, and thoughts of the devotee inspire each other reciprocally, and the distinction between the Buddha and the devotee disappears and the follower makes living peaceably essential. Kobo Daishi calls this way of things the “Nyuga Ganyu,” meaning that “the Buddha enters me and I enter the Buddha.” Kobo Daishi expressed that with Mikkyou Buddhism, enlightenment can be better realized, as compared to Kengyo, and says that there exist these incantations, Nyuga Ganyu, and practice (meditation). But then, from the late Heian period until the Kamakura period, the new kind of Buddhism entering the stage took influence from Shingon sect education and prayer, introduced the Mikkyou essence and value in one part, and as a rule, has meditation, for which it can not be said is lacking in Kengyo Buddhism. If another difference between the faiths can be brought up, it is the appreciation of the Buddha and bodhisattva.The Buddha and bodhisattva in Kengyou is a “person” who found enlightenment, and a “person” searching for enlightenment, but the Buddha and bodhisattva in Mikkyou are the truth of the universe themselves (dharma). The ones grasping this ”dharma” as a physical image are the Buddha and the bodhisattva. For that reason, the Buddha and bodhisattva in Mikkyou are called the “Hosshinbutsu (dharmic body).”
Kobo Daishi expresses that this Hosshinbutsu, or truth of the universe, being taught directly to us as an insight of truth is called the “Hosshin Seppo.” This space-time listening to the wisdom of this teaching will be the circumstance of the three mysteries incantation (Nyuga Ganyu). By that meaning, in the Shingon sect, the Buddha and the universe are a gift to the people, and also, is a basis for a prayer as a condition for the mysterious ability of the people to react, and according to that, understanding the insight of the Buddha, naturally accumulating pious acts, helping the people, and making them happy are regarded as the most important, so it can be said that it is a practical Buddhist sect.
Founder of Buddhism Giving meaning to esoteric Budihism
Above is a photograph of Rev. William Washo Saito, the Abbot of Seizanji Temple, performing Kajikitou (Incantation/加持祈祷) at Koukenji Temple in Kagawa, Japan. We perform Kajikitou services upon your request. Please ask us in the 'Contact us' section.
History of Seizanji Temple
The Seizanji Temple was established in Australia in 2001. It was founded by the current Abbot Reverend Saito. His aim is to bring Shingon Buddhism to Australia so people can study this rich tradition without the need to travel to the head temple at Koyasan in Japan.
During high school Reverend Saito had read a text book about the celebrated Japanese cultural figures Saicho and Kukai who were responsible for establishing the Tendai and Shingon Buddhist sects respectively in Japan during the 9th century. The stories of this time are true adventure tales. They describe brave journeys across storm ravaged seas, travel to distant lands to discover profound religious truths, the compilation of priceless books and the intrigues of politics in the imperial court. Reverend Saito became committed to studying Shingon and continued in his learning for many years, even after moving to Australia.
Reverend Saito’s journey to Australia started in a karate dojo in Japan. At the dojo he met the parents of future pop music superstar Kate Ceberano. Tino Ceberano was a recognised martial arts master in his own right. Tino and his wife were at the dojo to study under Gōju Kai karate founder Gōgen Yamaguchi. Reverend Saito helped them by acting as a guide and translator. The Ceberanos in turn sponsored Reverend Saito to migrate to Australia in 1978.
After coming to Australia Reverend Saito continued his studies in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. This included returning to Japan to undertake the “hundred days training” at the Koyasan. Finally, in 1994 Reverend Saito was ordained as a monk at Koyasan.
Reverend Saito continued in his study and in 2001 was appointed as Abbot and given the exceptional authority to establish the Buddhist Temple of Koyasan Shingon Mission Australia NSW branch. Such authority is very rarely given and there are only two other Shingon Missions in the world. Reverend Saito was subsequently appointed Missionary in 2006.
Since this time Reverend Saito and his sangha at the Seizanji Temple have continued to spread Shingon Esoteric Buddhism through meditation classes and other Japanese cultural outreach activities to cater to those who wish to be connected to this rich tradition.
Koyasan Shingonshu Kongoubuji Souchou Soeda Ryushou and eleven laypersons visited Seizanji Temple for the Opening Ceremony which was held on November 2014.
The Opening Ceremony was attended by Japanese Kimono Ladies, local Australian monks and Japanese monks totalling over 70 people, livening up the atmosphere.
Seizanji Temple officially was recognised on November 2014, when Koyasan Shingonshu Kongoubuji Souchou Soeda Ryushou and eleven laypersons visited Seizanji Temple.
On the previous day of the Opening Ceremony for Seizanji Temple, the Koyasan Visitors including Souchou Soeda Ryushou visited the 70th Memorial Anniversary Services held in Cowra. They prayed for
the resting in peace for the dead soldiers and citizens of World War II.
At Seizanji Temple, we held Ajikan meditation classes and Kannonko which offered deeper understanding of Japanese culture and Buddhism throughout the year.
これは密教の修行の実践により、誰でもただちに仏になることができるという教えです。それまでの宗派が、人間が悟りへの心(菩提心)をおこして修行して も、数えきれないほど長い時間をかけなければ成仏できないと考えていたのとは異なる、新しい考え方でした。
ただ、普通『金剛頂経』という場合には『金剛頂一切如来真実摂大乗現証大教王経』の 亊を指します。この『金剛頂経』には、サンスクリット写本、漢訳、チベット訳が現存しています。この『金剛頂経』は、8世紀までには成立していたとされて おり、その成立地は南インドとするのが一般的なようです。漢訳は空海の師である恵果の師、不空が753年に行いました。
そもそも彼のオーストラリア移住のきっかけは、彼のもう一つの命題でもある空手の道場で出会った国際的な歌手Kate Ceberanoさんのお父様Tino Ceberano氏でした。
ご主人であるTino Ceberano氏は格闘家として知られており、斉藤住職は全日本空手道連盟
2014年、高野山真言宗総本山金剛峯寺宗務総長 添田隆昭氏率いる20名(僧侶9名、在家11名)が来豪し、本堂落慶式が華やかに執り行われました。
Photo Gallery ページにその時の様子が紹介されています。
* 高野山真言宗青山寺は予約制をとっておりますので参拝または瞑想、加持祈祷などの件で予約が必要の方は前もって事前にご予約をとることをお願いいたします。
Koyasan Shingon Mission of Australia Seizanji Buddhist Temple Inc. runs on an appointment based system to ensure we can cater and allocate time for our services. Please kindly make an appointment via email or phone in advance. *