Religious Marriage Celebrant Services
We offer marriage celebrant services,
here, at Seizanji Temple. Rev. William Washo Saito is a registered religious marriage celebrant under the official registry board on the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils (F.A.B.C.). He
performs traditional Buddhist marriage ceremonies, which are approved and maintain traditional authenticity by ways of Koyasan Shingonshu.
You may find Rev. William Washo Saito as an authorised marriage celebrant for NSW under the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department website -
The following statement was
made by Mr. and Mrs. Kasugaya, who were happily married at Seizanji Temple on the 12th of December 2016.
"We are born Buddhists, in Japan,
there are ‘System of Buddhist
supporters’ (Dankaseido), ‘Posthumous
Buddhist name charge’
(Kaimyou-ryo) and many other
organised, costly systems. Therefore we
never had much opportunity to be part
of these Buddhist systems so we
avoided contact with Buddhist
temples. However, we decided to formally
marry over a ten-year relationship
with my partner because of the
strange powers of fate.
We have chosen Buddhist marriage
ceremony for
our marriage since our childhood, as
this was what we were familiar with
growing up.
I am very thankful of Seizanji
Temple’s Abbot, Rev. Saito
who promotes a non-denominational
Buddhist sect, Koyasan Shingonshu. He
has willingly accepted our wedding
request and we are very happy and
appreciative that we chose the right
temple to do our wedding. Since we
were children, we understood and
appreciated all the Buddhist chanting,
incense arrangements and the sounds
of the bells. Rev. Saito and his
assistants reached beyond our
expectations and we are very impressed and
moved by the ceremony. Rev. Saito’s
majestic Marriage Ceremony is our
departure to the journey of the
pleasures and pains of life, together." - Mr. and Mrs. Kasugaya
If you would like your marriage to be conducted in a traditional, authentic Buddhist way, please contact us through the 'Contact' link in the top menu. Alternatively, you may:
email us -
telephone us - 9417 6555
mobile us - 0408 497 437
We look forward to hearing from you! Thank you for choosing our services.